
Wow, two posts in a single day! I don't know what I'm doing with my life XD. But I love this series so much that when I started rereading it a few days ago, I couldn't think of anything else. Before starting to talk about it I just want to say: "Give it a go". I know that some people will think "Come on, this isn't worth reading, it is just another book for teenagers who love cats" but it isn't. It has a really well developped story with some great characters and it will make you feel a little bit uneasy when looking to your furry little friends.
When Rusty, a kittypet that lives with humans or "Twolegs" ventures into the forest, he meets some wild cats that belong to ThunderClan, one of the four clans of cats that rule the forest and fight against each other. Intrigued by his courage, Bluestar, the leader of ThunderClan, invites him to join them. When he accepts, he leaves his old life behind and becomes an apprentice. With his new friends, Graypaw and Ravenpaw, he will discover a terrible treason that could destroy ThunderClan forever.
The first series (the one that you can see on the picture) has got 6 books and I love it. The story doesn't become boring in any of the books and every single character is very well described. Unfortunately, I have only read the first book from the second series and I'm trying to find the second one, so I will make a review about it when I'm finished but so far, it is as good as the first one.
