Hey guys! As you probably have noticed after tons of posts about it, I am a big fan of the BBC series Sherlock. As a good fan, I am always searching for new information, photos or anything remotely related to the series like crazy XD. A couple of weeks ago, I was on Sherlock's official Twitter and I found a parody by a channel called the Hillywood Show and... it was amazing! I laughed so hard that probably my neighbours thought I was having a psychotic attack. The video is based on the song Thrift Shop by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis and we can see scenes from episodes as A Study in Pink, The Great Game, A Scandal in Belgravia and the Sign of Three acted by Hilly (Sherlock) and Hannah (John), the creators of the channel. It is such a good parody, with so many tiny details that make every Sherlockian love it, the acting is incredible... there is not a single flaw. In addition, as if it wasn't perfect enough, there is a cameo from Stephen Moffat, the co-creator and writer of Sherlock AND the actor that plays Mycroft is Chris Rankin, who played Percy Weasley in Harry Potter!!! After watching it, I couldn't resist to check their YouTube channel and I found out they have parodies about The Lord of The Rings, Harry Potter, Doctor Who... the list is endless. There is even a Supernatural parody with the colaboration of the main characters from the series! Now, I want to tell you about their Patreon page. They have very few producers, they do all this great work on their own, they write the lyrics, they direct the videos... It is incredible how they keep doing this amazing job, video by video. So if you want to donate any amount of money, even 2 dollars help, to contribute to this channel, we can make sure that they can continue to do this. I want you to know I am not being paid for talking about this channel. I am doing this because I think their labour is something that is worth preserving, as a fan that I am of many of the movies which appear on the channel.
So now it is your turn to judge! Leave me a comment below telling me what you think about the video. Enjoy!
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