Yesterday, I watched the film Nerve in the cinema, starring Emma Roberts and Dave Franco. I had been told that it was good so I had some high expectations.
Vee is a highschool girl that doesn't usually take risks until she enters a strange, misterious videogame that is becoming more and more popular on the internet: Nerve. In it, you have to decide wether you choose to be a player or a watcher. Players accept dares and try to complete them for money and fame, watchers watch the dares and decide the next ones. It starts only as a game but soon Vee will discover there's a terrible reality behind.
It is not the greatest movie in the world, but it keeps well the rythm of the story and you never lose the interest in it, which is something, I can tell you, that is hard to achieve. You feel close to the characters and there were some moments where I suffered (how drammatic I just sounded XD) for Vee and Ian's fate. In my opinion, connecting with the characters and their stories is one of the most important points a movie has to achieve if it wants to be good.
Although it follows the fashion of a couple of teenagers facing a disaster that threatens the only life they have ever known, it adds a new idea and original idea to this genre, which something I am grateful for. Lately, after the huge success of a certain type of story in this genre, books and movies for teenagers
In conclusion, it is a film that, although it will not appear on Top Ten movie rankings, you will have a good time seeing it and wondering what could be behind a game.
Vee is a highschool girl that doesn't usually take risks until she enters a strange, misterious videogame that is becoming more and more popular on the internet: Nerve. In it, you have to decide wether you choose to be a player or a watcher. Players accept dares and try to complete them for money and fame, watchers watch the dares and decide the next ones. It starts only as a game but soon Vee will discover there's a terrible reality behind.

have just started to repeat themselves hoping to reach the same success as the original books and, frankly, it has become boring and this movie is an example that, even if you follow the general guideline, you CAN add new ideas to it.
However, I had the impression that the characters were not as developped as they should. For example, we don't know almost anything about Ian, his life when not playing Nerve. I have the feeling that they could have given so much more, as Tommy, Vee's almost hacker friend.In conclusion, it is a film that, although it will not appear on Top Ten movie rankings, you will have a good time seeing it and wondering what could be behind a game.
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